But it is not the troll, per se, who is making me stop blogging, but rather talk of legal action against me. Someone was kind enough to send me some of the comments written on the Narofat yahoogroupsdotcom site. In those comments, one person speaks of the possibility of legal action against me, and the person replying, although she doesn't say anything about legal action against me, gives a less than charitable reply about me. (The comment is on my Thogger post if you want to read it.)
That brings to mind some questions. First of all, what is the Narof group? What do the letters stand for? And what have I done to draw such treatment from these people? I may have disagreed with them in the past, but I think I did so without malice. Personally, I don't think they have a case for legal action against me, but I'm not a lawyer and don't want to have to retain one. It seems to me that if someone doesn't like what's written on my blog there is an easier thing to do than threaten legal action - simply don't visit my site.
If it were just the troll, I could probably handle it by deleting comments or enabling comment moderation, something I will have to strongly consider if I resume blogging. That will change the character of the blog, though, since it would frequently be a day or more after posts are published before I could get to the comments. The free exchange of ideas would suffer. But speaking of legal action raises the stakes a notch. I like blogging, but hey, it's just a blog.
I'm not sure how long a break I'll take: maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks or months. I am sorry to have to do it, because I enjoy blogging, and judging from my comments many of the readers enjoy this blog and the discussions it engenders. I appreciate the majority of commenters who leave thoughtful and civil comments. I haven't minded when people disagree with me, but I can live without personal insults of me or other commenters and legal action. Like I said, it's just a blog.
I'll have to find something to do with my time if I don't blog. Maybe I'll get a dog. Hey, that rhymes....