The neonatologist on call was a moonlighter at our hospital who normally works elsewhere. He's a smart guy, board certified, knows his stuff. He certainly is bright enough that he could have properly taken care of the baby - if he had been there. But it really frosted me that he let the baby get like that.
Doctors can screw up in different ways. They can be very busy and overlook something; they can be faced with a difficult decision and make the wrong judgement, while trying their best; and they can be lazy. I think many people can understand mistakes of the first kinds, although they don't want them to happen with their own baby, but this lazy thing is hard to take. There is no excuse for this doctor not coming to check the baby when notified of the harder breathing. We weren't so busy that he was exhausted and couldn't make it out of bed. He simply was lazy.
Don't get me wrong. I'm no saint and, like other doctors, have made my share of mistakes. But someone once said that 90% of life is simply showing up, or something like that, and we should at least be able to do that.